Virtual Poster Session | NLP COVID-19 Workshop

Virtual Poster Session

We were overwhelmed with submissions to the NLP-COVID-19 workshop! It is heartening to see the amazing response of the natural language processing community to this global challenge.


We had so many submissions that we couldn't manage a review process ahead of the workshop on July 09. Reviewing of these submissions will be deferred to a Workshop "Part 2" at EMNLP2020 -- details still TBD.


In the meantime, we invited all authors of submitted papers to prepare a brief PDF or 'flash' presentation about their work. The papers for which we received these accompanying materials, are linked below (all papers are visible on the workshop OpenReview site. We encourage you to submit questions or comments on the paper via the OpenReview page for the paper linked at the title.


Some of the authors will also make themselves available for a drop-in, virtual poster discussion about their work. Please view the schedule (with Zoom links and times).  

Please reward the authors' work with feedback via one of these options!


Theme 1: Information Discovery and Question Answering

Theme 2: Social Media

Theme 3: Literature retrieval & analysis

Theme 4: Clinical Text Analysis and Mental Health