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NLP COVID-19 Workshop (Part 2)

Part 2 of the workshop @EMNLP

November 20, 2020 (08:00 - 21:00 London/UK time)


Lives all around the world have been dramatically impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The global research community has mobilized to respond with timely research and scientific analysis that can contribute to our understanding and management of the virus. The ACL community can play a unique role in supporting research to combat COVID-19. Many valuable insights and information may be contained in vast quantities of text and speech data. We invite submissions related to any aspect of natural language processing (NLP) applied to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, in an open, rapid review format that will allow this active and late-breaking research to be shared and discussed. In Part 1 of the workshop held at ACL 2020, we had an overwhelming response to the call for papers; through organizing "Part 2" we are enabling the review and sharing of that work.

Latest News

Key Dates

September 3, 2020Submission deadline. September 03, 2020 Anywhere On Earth time.
October 1, 2020Expected notification date.
October 9, 2020Camera ready paper deadline.
November 20, 2020NLP for COVID-19 Workshop @EMNLP 2020

See the call for papers for further important details about the submission process